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Interesting Reads. Industry news that you may have missed.

Chart: How the definition of “journalist” is changing – Recode

The definition of journalism is changing — the plight of journalists might not be that bad if you’re able to consider a larger view of “journalism.” New data from LinkedIn suggests that many journalism and PR jobs didn’t go away so much as to transition to job titles like “content writer” and “social media manager.” Interestingly enough, many people working in journalism or are journalists these days are no longer working in traditional journalism jobs for digital or print newsrooms.

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Instagram could soon launch a Pinterest-like collection feature – Business Insider

Instagram could be going after another social media company, and this time it’s Pinterest. Instagram indicated that it will launch “Collections,” a feature enabling users to save and organize their favorite posts. If Instagram does roll out this new feature, it could boost usage among users and brands creating a new type of engagement beyond sharing a profile account.

Humanity’s 30-million-page backup plan is heading to the moon – Fast Company

Humanity’s entire backup plan took off last Thursday when SpaceX’s Falcon 9 launched to the moon. The Arch Mission Foundation (AMF) created the Lunar Library, a 30-million-page long compilation of human’s history and civilization covering topics like culture, nation, language, and time periods. AMF encoded this information on a specially designed disc meant to last a billion years and sent it to the moon for safe keeping.


The Future Is Here, Almost: Virtual Travel Becomes More of a Reality – The New York Times

The travel industry is slowly incorporating virtual and augmented reality software. Travelport and easyJet worked together to create a new augmented reality app to help travelers discover if their carry-on bag can fit in the overhead before they board. These technologies have existed for several years, but elements like the high cost of production and limited consumer access have capped its reach in the travel industry.