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Interesting Reads. Industry news you may have missed.

4 Reasons to Expand Your Definition of ‘Marketing’ in 2022 – Forbes

Marketing is traditionally defined as an external tool to drive sales of a product. However, its role across industries has expanded. For one, customer experience is central to an effective marketing strategy. Brands are expected to deliver on their promises. In an oversaturated market, placing extra value on human capital within your business can drive performance. This means investing in internal marketing strategies to attract top-tier talent is crucial for success. 

Source: Getty Images

Is Cult Branding Relevant to Gen Z? – Your Story

Big-name brands like Apple, Google, Starbucks, and Levis have used cult branding to establish a following–but is this strategy relevant to the next generation? Gen Z is drawn to brands that afford self-expression and platforms for ethical advocacy. Rather than purchase an item in order to assimilate into a group, Gen Zs seek brands that convey or develop their personal identities. Businesses must balance Gen Zs’ individual and group instincts in order to earn their trust. 

7 Ways to Use Semantic SEO for Higher Rankings – Search Engine Journal

A single-keyword approach is no longer viable for top search engine rankings. Consider using semantic SEO, which caters to Google’s algorithm by developing meaningful and in-depth web content. Instead of answering one question, predicting and addressing related questions can increase the quality of search queries. Semantic SEO can be achieved by optimizing for keyword clusters, synonyms, and long-form content.

Source: Search Engine Journal

11 Ways to Get Visitors to Spend More Time on Your Website – Entrepreneur

Invest in a well-designed website to keep users interested and organize information. Simplify navigation and ensure the search bar is readily available. Display your value proposition on the homepage and maintain a consistent stream of content. Consider incorporating “exit-intent” pop-ups that can identify potential page-bouncers and offer interesting content suggestions.